Who should use Surrogacy in Ghana?

Singleton pregnancy is $49,000 versus $150,000 in the USA |
Twin pregnancy additional costs $10,000 |
Please note: Costs are all inclusive and cover all medical and delivery procedures, as well as the surrogate’s and the baby’s hospitalization, but exclude some medical complications. No additional expenses are expected, except parent’s travel expenses and local legal procedures at the parents’ country of origin.
Costs include
- Surrogate’s screening
- Surrogate’s compensation
- Housing
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Medical expenses throughout the pregnancy
- Delivery (natural)
What kind of facilities are available?

Many of us have a mental image of Africa being mud huts and Elephants. Yes, they are there, but the IVF Centers you will use is far removed from this image.
Accra, Ghana population of about 2.5 million, is a modern-day city with Skyscrapers, International Airports, Modern Hospitals, Marriott’s and other major Hotels. The discovery of Oil in Ghana has accelerated the westernization of the country.

It is a state of the art specialist hospital primarily focused on provision of world class infertility treatment services as well as other specialist services such as antenatal care and delivery, treatment of gynecological conditions, advanced urogynecology and urological services.
The Hospital started assisted conception treatment in 2012 and has quickly become a national and regional leader in the provision of assisted conception services in the West African sub region. We were the recipients of the best assisted conception award in 2016.
With over 100 medical staff. the Center presently does over 500 IVF’s and Surrogacy’s every year. The equipment is from the United States and Europe and the center operates to American FDA standards.
The success rates meet or exceed those of American IVF Centers. It must however be understood that the age of the woman is a main determinant of successful treatment.
Older women have lower success rate compared with younger women. Generally, the success rates are excellent if IVF is done before 35 years. After 35 years, the success rates progressively decline. After 40 years the success rate of IVF is so low that we will normally recommend the use of donor eggs in most cases.
After 45 years of age, we recommend both donor eggs and a surrogate mother to avoid issues in pregnancy. These include Preeclampsia, a sometimes-deadly condition of pregnancy marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Often when a mother has preeclampsia, the baby needs to be delivered prematurely to save the lives of mother and baby.
What is included in the IVF?
It includes fertilization with embryo transfer IVF-ET, intra
cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine
insemination IUI, egg donation, sperm donation,
surrogacy, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and
screening (PGD & PGS).

The IVF Cycle
For a successful IVF treatment, the following steps are performed during the treatment
PATIENT PREPARATION: Careful and meticulous patient preparation during which all the relevant tests are carried out for the woman and her husband/partner before the actual treatment starts. This preparation is key to successful treatment!
CONTROLLED OVARIAN STIMULATION (COS) During IVF treatment the doctor or physician needs a good number of quality eggs to fertilize them with the sperm of the woman’s husband /partner. To do this the woman is given some injections to produce enough eggs. Normally it takes about 14 days for this to be completed.
EGG HARVESTING OR RETRIEVAL: Whentheeggsare matured, the woman is taken to the operating theatre where the eggs are harvested. The male parent will also provide sperm on the same day for the fertilization to be done. In many cases, the male partner provides sperm for freezing before the harvesting of the eggs.
INSEMINATION: This means that the eggs are fertilized with the partner’s/husband’s by putting them together in a special dish or by injecting the sperm into the eggs (ICSI)

INCUBATION IN THE IVF LAB: The fertilized eggs are now allowed to grow in the IVF laboratory for 3-5 days. At Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital, we normally transfer the embryos on day 5 but sometimes we transfer them on day 3
EMBRYO TRANSFER: This is the last but most critical stage of the IVF process. The doctor selects one or two embryos and carefully puts them back into the womb or uterus of the woman.
LUTEAL SUPPORT: The woman continue stotake medication known asluteal supportupto the pregnancy test. The pregnancy test is done 2 weeks after the embryo transfer. This marks the end of the IVF cycle.
Do you do PGD/PGS?
Yes, we do PGD/PGS if getting embryos created with us in Ukraine. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis/screening (PGD/PGS) refers to the testing or screening of the embryos to detect abnormalities before they are transferred into the womb (uterus). Small pieces of the embryos (called biopsies) are taken with a laser machine and sent to the laboratory for testing. This ensures that only normal embryos are transferred into the uterus. The main advantage of doing this is that the baby/babies are not likely to have abnormalities and the pregnancies rates are higher because normal embryos are transferred.
Some of the reasons why PGD/PGS is done include: Older women more than 35 years undergoing IVF because they tend to have a higher risk of abnormal embryos, Couples who are both carriers of the sickle cell gene, this way they can avoid having a child with sickle cell disease.
What is the Surrogacy Process?
Surrogacy means transferring the embryos into the womb for another woman to carry the pregnancy for a couple in which the woman herself cannot carry the pregnancy. Some of the reasons why another woman carries the pregnancy a couple are when the woman who wants a child has not got a womb, has a serious illness which will make it impossible or risky for her to become pregnant or has a genetic condition which can be transferred to child.
It should be clearly understood the woman who is carrying the pregnancy has no genetic connection with the child. This is because the eggs did not come from the woman carrying the pregnancy. She is therefore only acting as a carrier of somebody else’s pregnancy.
Who are your Surrogates?

Surrogates in Ghana are local females, mostly in their 20’s who have had at least one child of their own. All surrogates undergo meticulous screening, blood work, and medical tests prior to the process.
Once the Surrogate is pregnant, she lives for the length of her pregnancy at an amazingly comfortable ranch house which was a former family residence, about a 10-minute walk from the hospital. She shares a room with another surrogate. The home has a fully equipped kitchen with a cook where all meals are provided, a TV and an amazingly comfortable living Room, as well as a Resident Nurse to monitor the surrogates and help with any pregnancy related issues
How do you do Pregnancy monitoring & Delivery?

Pregnancy monitoring will be done at the modern new hospital. The pregnancy protocol is strict, and will include monthly ultrasounds, nuchal translucency, GTT, Anomaly scans etc.
What about EGG DONATION?
Intended parents may choose either a local donor or an Eastern-European donor who would travel to the Center for the egg’s extraction. In addition, intended parents may choose an America or South-African donor from our donor databases. All donors go through extensive screening, blood work and medical tests. Profiles include pictures and information about the donor’s health and characteristics.
We also have a large pool of frozen egg available for your selection.
Egg donation costs are additional and can vary from a low of $6,000 for a local donor, to $19,000 for a Caucasian donor from Ukraine or South Africa, to around $25,000 for an American Donor. Travel costs for the donor are extra.
Suggest look at using frozen eggs. We can help provide those at reasonable prices.
How do you handle the delivery of my baby?
We provide Hospital delivery. There is a range of delivery options that couples can
choose from. These include:
How do I bring my Baby back to the USA?
Legal Services
We have a local attorney available who will help you with all legal work to the services will include a contract between the intended parents and the surrogate as well as registering the baby immediately after birth. Legal services include coordinating all paperwork with the USA Embassy in Accra and getting a USA passport issued for the baby.
We suggest you start the legal process at least two months before the baby is due.
Otherwise, you may have a 2 to 3-week delay getting an appointment at the USA Embassy, getting the DNA test done to verify paternity,etc.
Legal costs are typically about $500 for legal fees plus any fees the USA Embassy charges for issuing the passport and DNA Testing.
How Do I travel to Ghana?
From the USA, Delta has a direct 11-hour Nonstop flight from Kennedy airport into Ghana. We recommend it. Most Hotels in Ghana have a free pickup service at the airports. We also suggest that you look at Expedia, or other websites for travel options.
You may also want to use you waiting time in Accra to do some tourism or go to a forest preserve. There is plenty of opportunity to travel and explore the area.
Accra is the capital of Ghana, on the Atlantic coast of West Africa. Makola Market is the city’s vast, colorful bazaar. Popular seafront spots Labadi Beach and Kokrobite Beach offer golden sand and high-energy nightlife.
How many times do I have to go to Ghana?
With One Trip:
We can send you a collect at home sperm kit. You collect the sperm at home. It is then mailed by you to a USA based sperm bank. It processes and freezes your samples and then ship them to the IVF Clinic.
Your first trip is about nine months later to pick up you baby. Allow about two to three weeks for this.
With Two Trips:
You can go initially to see the center, get comfortable, and to give a couple of fresh sperm samples, which are then tested, frozen and stored.
Your second trip is about nine months later to pickup you baby. Allow about two to three weeks for this.

Supplements Recommended
Many Physicians recommend the following supplements for your use if your sperm count is low.
To order these supplements, please go to our shopping cart at www.mysupplements.store Or call 1-212-794-8800 to place an order.
Begin Your Journey to having a Baby with us.
Our job at Surrogacy4All is to listen, to connect the dots between your needs and help you have the Baby you yearn for
To make an appointment for a free, no charge no obligation confidential phone or personal meeting, please call us directly at 1-212-661-7177.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you complete your family!